A Breast Surgeon Can Provide Breast Augmentation Services

by | May 22, 2018 | Skin Care

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Breast augmentation is a form of plastic surgery performed by a breast surgeon in which the patient is placed under general anesthesia and implants are inserted underneath the breast tissue in order to modify the size and shape of breasts. These implants can consist of saline or silicone gel and are available in various sizes and shapes.

Reasons for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is carried out in order to:

* Recover breast shape and size after pregnancy, breast-feeding, or weight loss
* Restore one or both breasts after surgery
* Increase the size of breasts that are naturally small
* Recover symmetry when breasts are asymmetrical
* Reduce the size of breasts that are posing physical problems due to size

Expectations About the Process

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure. Therefore patient should carefully consider the benefits, risks, and other elements of the surgery before moving forward.

Implants may be positioned over or under the pectoral muscle. Prior to surgery, the plastic surgeon should assist the patient in selecting a size for the implant. This may be done by testing out different sized implants in a bra to determine how they feel.

Normally, the patient receives a general anesthetic so that they are asleep during the surgical procedure. In certain cases, the breast surgeon may use a local anesthetic which allows the patient to remain awake.

Results and Recovery

Some swelling may result from the procedure but should heal up within two weeks. Lines from the incisions will also eventually fade away.

The patient will be prescribed painkillers to mitigate the pain after the anesthetic wears off. Patients having this procedure should arrange for someone else to drive them home since in most cases they will have been under general anesthesia. It usually takes about a month and a half for dissolvable or absorbable sutures to disappear.

Patients who experience fever indicating a possible infection, or redness or warmth in the breast area, unusual beating of the heart, chest pains, or shortness of breath should seek medical attention immediately. The patient should wait about a month and a half before engaging in demanding physical activities.

The breast surgeon may advise the patient on what type of bra to wear as well as participating in exercises post-surgery, such as moving the arms and flexing in order to mitigate discomfort and pain.