A Family Dentist in Lake Hiawatha Treats Patients of All Ages

by | Sep 11, 2013 | Dentist

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Families now understand the importance of good dental care and having a Family Dentist in Lake Hiawatha. All members of the family can receive dental care in one convenient location. Infants who have just gotten their first tooth to adults who need dentures will find compassionate dentists able to help them. Each member of the family should see the dentist every six months. Parents will enjoy the ease of scheduling several appointments at the same time.

Many people think that baby teeth aren’t that important because they fall out early in life. They actually help the jaw develop properly and ensure that adult teeth have enough room. In addition, when children learn to care for these properly, they are developing good habits that they’ll bring into adulthood. Once the children get all of their adult teeth the dentist will prescribe the proper Fluoride treatments and sealants. While Fluoride applies to all of the teeth, sealants are only put on the surface of molars. This is particularly important for children ages 6 to 14, who are more at risk for cavities. Sealants only last for 10 years and need to be checked for cracks.

Adults who have no cavities on their molars can opt for sealants as well. As people age their immune systems get weaker. Therefore they become more prone to cavities and gum disease, both of which are caused by bacteria. If the Family Dentist notices that the patient is becoming more cavity prone or is experiencing inflamed gums, they can recommend more office visits for deep cleaning. They can also prescribe a powerful mouthwash that will keep the bacterial count low. It’s also very important that older people continue to brush and floss properly.

People who have spent decades smoking or drinking a lot of coffee probably have yellow teeth. They may look in the mirror one day and not like what they see or their dentist might tell them how easy a teeth whitening treatment is. Just one 90-minute session can whiten teeth up to eight shades. This will create a beautiful smile that looks healthier and younger.