by | Apr 2, 2021 | Oil and Gas

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Heating oil prices are only about half of what they were last year at this time, which is great news for homeowners who get deliveries from a fuel oil company in New York. Along with the mild winter the northeastern part of the country is experiencing, homeowners will probably spend hundreds of dollars less on heat than they did in the first part of 2015. In fact, this is the lowest that prices have been in six years.

The lost cost of heating oil is related to the drop in crude oil prices. Vehicle owners have been happy to see the plunge in gas and diesel prices at the pump, with the cost going under $2 per gallon in many regions. The last time that happened was in 2009. Natural gas and liquid propane gas prices are way down too.

The low prices are good for consumers in general and for businesses that serve those consumers. People have more money to spend on other things besides heat and gasoline. They might move the thermostat temperature up a degree or two when heating prices are low, but they’ll still have extra cash left over compared with years when prices are twice as high.

Owners of a fuel oil company in New York are pleased because their customers have a better ability to pay for deliveries in a timely fashion. The company doesn’t deal with a lot of outstanding bills that it otherwise would have to send invoices for two or three times. It’s also more convenient for the company to send drivers out to fill oil tanks than to add a minimum amount of gallons more frequently. Routing for numerous limited deliveries becomes complicated and costs the company more money for travel.

Analysts generally predict that oil prices will not return to their previous high levels for years. Anyone who pays for heating oil, natural gas or liquid propane hopes the low prices continue indefinitely and they can continue to enjoy reduced heat bills. A home heating oil delivery company such as Business Name Helper likely has the same wish. Low oil prices don’t affect their profit margins and instead makes running the business more streamlined.