A Homeowner’s Guide to Pest Control in Boulder, CO

by | Mar 28, 2018 | Home and Garden

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Colorado homeowners value a beautiful yard. Lawns that have been invaded by various pests threaten the beauty of the yard. Homeowners hire companies to perform Pest Control Boulder CO to identify the problems they are facing and take action to correct the issues.

Prevention is Best

The number-one thing a homeowner can do to keep a lush yard is to take measures that prevent a pest infestation from occurring. Some of the best things a homeowner can do are to remove all sources of food, water, and shelter from pests. Store food kept outside in sealed containers. Keep trash inside sealed trash cans. Do not allow water to accumulate anywhere near the home. Use caulk to seal cracks or crevices to keep pests out of structures. Get rid of anything that could clutter the yard, as that could provide shelter for a pest.

Identify the Pest

Prevention can minimize the chances of pests living in your yard, but they can still take up residence on occasion. When there is an issue in a yard, such as brown or yellow spots, try addressing the problem by watering first. If watering does not correct the problem, it could be time to bring in a lawn care professional.

They have experience in various yard problems and can inspect a yard to determine if an issue is due to watering, a need for fertilizing, weed control, or pest control. A skilled professional can come up with a plan to treat the yard to return it to a lush and beautiful place.

When discussing treatment options with a lawn care professional, make sure to schedule the treatment at a time when children and animals will not be using the lawn. They should stay away from treated areas immediately after pesticides have been applied.

Homeowners hire professionals to perform Pest Control Boulder CO to ensure the problem is taken care of effectively and efficiently. Trained professionals are well aware of how to apply the various treatments in a way that is best for the health and welfare of everyone in the neighborhood. For more information about pest control services, Visit website or contact Wards Lawn Service.