A Pet Doctor In Alexandria, VA Can Vaccinate Your Pet To Prevent Disease

by | Jul 23, 2019 | Pets and Pet Care

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You treat your pet like part of the family and that includes making sure that he is healthy and free from disease, but not all dogs may be so lucky. Did you know that only 55% of the dogs in the United States are on medication to prevent heartworm? That leaves over 20 million dogs at risk for acquiring it and all dogs are at risk. If left untreated, heartworm disease can lead to heart and lung problems and even death. Prevention is much more effective that treatment. A pet doctor Alexandria, VA can schedule yearly appointments to keep your pet’s shots and vaccines up to date to help eliminate the need to ever have to treat for diseases such as heartworm.

Even when you do take good care of your pet there are times that he needs more care than what regular vaccines can give him. What are some signs of possible illness that your pet is showing where he may need to go to The Alexandria, VA pet clinic?

Your pet has no appetite, eats very little or not at all

Your pet drinks a lot of water or seems to be thirsty

You pet has lost weight or has gained a lot of weight

Your pet does not seem to be as active or he is lethargic and looks depressed. Your pet displays decreased activity and less interactions with family

Your pet is vomiting and showing signs of loose stools. Digestive problems.

Skin allergies can cause excessive scratching and itching, which can lead to hair loss.

Increased urination could be a sign of diabetes

Anything that looks out of the ordinary with your pet

When searching for a pet doctor get recommendations from family and friends. You can also go to Internet review sites to view information about the as well. Be proactive with your pet’s health and schedule regular appointments yearly. Preventive maintenance is the best medical care that you can give you pet. The ardor of your veterinarian and the dedicated staff will ensure that your pet receives the best medical attention that is needed.

While there are some veterinarians and Holistic Medicine For Dogs, here is the premier choice for animal health care. We pride ourselves on treating your pet like one of our own.