An automobile accident involving another vehicle that’s the same size and weight is difficult enough to suffer through. When an automobile collides with a truck, the results can be devastating due to the size and weight of the larger vehicle. Truck accidents commonly involve very serious injuries that can lead to partial or complete disability and even death. It’s important for a victim of this type of catastrophic event to immediately contact a Trucking Accident Attorney in Avondale AZ. Evidence should be quickly gathered before there’s a possibility of it being altered or changed in any way.
Truck drivers must follow federal rules in regard to the amount of time they’re permitted to drive on a daily or weekly basis. They are not permitted to hold use one of their hands to talk on a cell phone while driving. If they drive more hours than they should in a day or in a week, driver fatigue can easily be a cause of the accident. The truck driver is required to keep a record of their on-duty time each day. This is called their log book. This must be thoroughly reviewed by an experienced attorney to determine if this could be a factor in the accident. Poor maintenance of the truck or trailer could also be a reason for the accident. The maintenance log must be examined for failure to repair a problem properly.
There may be a variety of individuals responsible for an accident. A driver may work for a company and be driving a tractor owned by someone else, and the trailer could be connected to another organization. There could potentially be three or more responsible parties that can be held liable. A Trucking Accident Attorney in Avondale AZ has the skill, experience, and knowledge to closely examine the case. They can help a victim receive compensation for loss of wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and so much more. They do not require upfront payment of attorney fees and will only receive payment if they obtain a settlement for a victim.
If you’ve suffered from injuries to your organs, neck, brain, or bones or suffer from paralysis or scarring, please Click Here to find out how a personal injury lawyer can help.