Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Westbury NY Can Fix Even The Most Imperfect Smile

by | Jun 4, 2015 | Dentist

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For many people, having a beautiful, white smile is important. The way your smile looks can have a huge effect on the entire look of your face. Unfortunately, however, not everyone has a perfect smile. Some people suffer from tooth loss, misshapen teeth, and yellow teeth. Fortunately, Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Westbury NY can help. There are several cosmetic dentistry procedures available, which can treat a variety of cosmetic issues.

Teeth Whitening

Over time, your teeth can begin to turn yellow. If you are a smoker, or a frequent drinker of coffee or red wine, you can develop stains on your teeth. When yellowing and stains occur, you can see a dentist to have your teeth whitened. It is a gradual, non-invasive procedure, which is done at home, and should only take a few weeks to complete the treatment.


Veneers are the perfect treatment for anyone who has cracked teeth, missing teeth, or stained teeth. When you seek help from a professional in Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Westbury NY, they will shave down a layer of your teeth, and place the porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can change the look of your smile completely.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the best treatments for tooth loss. What makes dental implants the best, is that they are permanent. Unlike dentures or dental bridges, they stay in your mouth permanently. The dentist would drill the implant directly into your jaw bone. You would care for your dental implants the same way that you would your natural teeth.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a procedure which can improve the overall appearance of your teeth. During this procedure, the dentist would use a resin material, which matches your teeth, and use a UV light to bond the material to your teeth. This procedure can close up small gaps in the teeth, and repair misshapen teeth. Browse the website for more information.

If you have imperfect teeth, you do have options. There are many procedures that an Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Westbury NY can perform to give you the perfect smile that you have always dreamed of. Whether you have cracked teeth, missing teeth or stained teeth, Gerald B. Grossman DDS can help.