Air Conditioning in Alameda County, CA – 5 Common Maintenance Problems

by | Jan 20, 2020 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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After you install an air conditioning system, it is important to perform regular maintenance to keep it working optimally. During the lifespan of the typical air conditioning system, several common maintenance issues tend to pop up. Here is a list of five of the most common maintenance problems encountered with Air Conditioning Alameda County, CA.

1. Leakage – Air conditioners work with a refrigerant compound that facilitates the cooling aspect of the system. During maintenance, it is important to check for leaks that can cause the refrigerant levels to fall low. Refrigerant leaks make air conditioning systems under-perform and are bad for the environment. If you find leaks, have an experienced AC technician repair them immediately.

2. Dirty Filters – One of the most important parts of an Air Conditioning system is its filter. Worn or dirty filters clogged with dust, pollen and other allergens reduce or completely prevent proper airflow through the system. Replace or clean dirty filters regularly to keep the unit working with optimal efficiency.

3. Faulty Wiring – A complex but important air conditioner maintenance issue is that of proper electrical wiring. Have a professional AC technician examine all of the connections and contacts of the air conditioning system for signs of corrosion or improper wiring. The controls of systems that automatically chip in and out often wear out over time and should also be checked during maintenance, and repaired if necessary.

4. Bad Sensors – A faulty thermostat sensor is a commonly encountered problem during regular air conditioner maintenance checks. When the sensor does not function properly, issues like continuous cycling and inconsistent behavior occur. If you notice these problems, check to see if the sensor has accidentally shifted out of place. If it has, return it to its proper position, which is as close to the evaporator coil as it can get without actually touching it.

5. Inadequate Drainage – Air Condoning systems feature a drainage system that removes excess condensation produced by its cooling action. While performing maintenance, it is important to ensure that the drain is clog-free, and excess moisture is not flowing back into the unit.

Identify and quickly address these five common Air Conditioning Alameda County, CA problems to keep your system running smoothly. Along with prolonging the life of your air conditioning system, proper maintenance saves you money over time. This is because the unit consistently performs at its most efficient level, which drastically reduces overall energy consumption.