There is a significant difference between traditional teeth cleaning and a Deep-Cleaning Procedure in Pinedale, WY, which includes scaling and root planning. A deep cleaning is effective at helping to prevent periodontal disease, which is caused by harmful bacteria that can destroy a person’s jaw bone, a well as other structures nearby. In extreme cases, it can even lead to cases of tooth loss.
With preventative cleaning, a person can have a healthy mouth. However, in addition to the regular dental cleanings, a deep cleaning should also be done from time to time. Learn more about this procedure here.
Who Should Invest in a Deep Cleaning?
It’s essential for adults to have their mouths, teeth, and gums evaluated for periodontal disease each year. This is what determines if a Deep-Cleaning Procedure in Pinedale, WY is necessary. If the pockets are larger than five millimeters, then the dentist will likely recommend that a person has a scaling and root planning procedure done.
If the plaque and tartar present are not treated, then the bacteria are going to continue to breed and may begin to affect the gums. This can result in gingivitis that begins to develop in the periodontal pocket. In the long run, this is only going to cause more damage to the teeth.
Signs of Gum Disease
In most cases, a dentist will not recommend a deep cleaning unless there are one or more signs of gum disease. Some of the most common indications of this problem include pus around the teeth and gums, loose teeth, bad breath, gums that are receding from the teeth, and swollen, bleeding, red or tender gums. If these symptoms are present, then investing in a deep cleaning can be extremely beneficial and help prevent further issues down the road.
When it comes to a deep cleaning procedure, it’s important to know what it has to offer. If a dentist recommends this procedure, it should not be put off. More information about this procedure and others can be found by contacting the staff at Rock Springs Periodontics or by taking the time to Visit online.