by | Sep 2, 2020 | Dentistry

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Sudden overwhelming pain in the mouth can happen when you least expect it. Whether it’s from an infection, trauma, or an accident, it’s important to find relief right away. That’s when an emergency dentist can help. Immediate care can give the tooth the best chance of survival while eliminating any discomfort that the patient is feeling.

Dental emergencies can be scary. The fear of losing a tooth can cause severe stress, as well as pain, but there are things that can be done to help save a tooth. If a tooth has become dislodged, rinse it carefully under warm water, but never touch the root itself. Have the patient place the tooth back in the socket that it came out of, or hold it inside the cheek. It can also be placed in a glass of milk, saliva, or plain water to keep it from drying out. Keeping the tooth hydrated will lessen the possibility of losing it altogether. For the best chance of reattachment, the patient should be transported to a dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

An infection in the mouth or gums can quickly become an emergency situation. A fractured or cracked tooth, a loose crown, or a filling that has fallen out, all require dental care right away. Hard food and candies are often the culprit when this happens, as well as persistent grinding of the teeth, or trauma to the mouth. If the root has been exposed in any way, the pain may be unbearable. Take over the counter pain medication if needed, stop any bleeding by applying pressure with clean gauze, hydrate any pieces of the tooth that have broken off, and head to an Emergency Dentist in South Loop for immediate care. In some instances, the dentist may need to do a root canal to stop the pain, however, this is the last resort as a root canal essentially deadens the nerve in the tooth.

The key to any dental emergency is staying calm and protecting the tooth if one has fallen out. Seek dental assistance as soon as possible for the best chance of saving the tooth. If the pain is severe, and there is no way to get to a dental office, go to the nearest emergency room where they can prescribe pain medication to reduce the discomfort until you can be seen by a dentist.