Animal Control in Annapolis: Snake Removal

by | Apr 21, 2014 | Pest Control

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Having to call in Animal Control in Annapolis to remove a snake from your property is a very common thing. In fact, it is a common occurrence all over America. Some feel that the reason people call in places like Accutech Pest Management to remove the problem is the fact that snakes act different from any other creature known to man. This, on top of the fact that there are many myths concerning snakes, which give them magical powers, plus the fact that they are the plot line of many horror movies is a contributing factor. The result is a reptile that freezes many people with fear, especially when found inside of their homes.

According to which part of the world you live in, it is rare for the snake, which has invaded your home to be poisonous. Instead of killing the reptile, many people have turned to calling in Animal Control in Annapolis to remove the snake with no danger to the homeowner or the reptile itself.
It is hard to believe, but there are estimated to be over 2,700 snake species over every continent, not including Antarctica. There are 430 species of snake alone in the United States.

Snakes seem to be of the most concern in urban settings, as they slither into the home looking for rats and mice, which are their main food source. If you eliminate the food source for the snake, then you are apt to prevent the snake from coming into your home to begin with. In the United States, it is actually rare for a poisonous snake to enter a home. You can prevent a snake from entering your home by sealing up any area of your home, such a holes, cracks, and crevices that a mouse could squeeze through. If a mouse can squeeze through the space, then a snake can slither through as well.

The most common problems with snakes in urban areas, is snakes in the garage, under the house, in the attic, and in woodpiles. Rat and garden snakes are also common when you live in the country. The best thing to do is call in the animal control professionals to remove the problem, instead of panicking and both of you getting hurt. Follow us on Twitter!