Answering Your Questions about the Industrial Touch Monitor

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Hardware & Software

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Touch screens let users interact directly with software, as a type of electronic display that allows users to control software through gestures, either simple or multiple touch. Many electronic devices and information appliances utilize touch screens for various purposes.

We understand that people might have questions about touch monitors, so we’re going to address some of those questions in this article.

FAQs about the Industrial Touch Monitor

The Industrial Touch Monitor

This touch monitor integrates touch screens into electronic appliances designed for industrial or commercial use. Naturally, many industries utilize this type of touch screen monitor in various applications.

You might see touch monitors designed as highly usable and maintainable devices. There’s a reason for that. Many of the demanding industrial or commercial environments today need technology that will withstand all environmental conditions. They also have to be easy for workers and, in some contexts, consumers to operate.

That’s why a lot of these touch monitors are designed to last, as they say.

Resistive and Capacitive Technologies

Resistive and capacitive touchscreen technologies are the most common; both have useful applications in various industrial and commercial settings. However, today’s touch monitor for industrial applications is more likely to host capacitive touch screen technology.

Though, resistive touchscreens still have a use. They’re used in devices that are situated in factories, hospitals and restaurants, due to the screen’s high resistance to contaminants and liquids.

Capacitive Touch Monitor Technology

Sure. Capacitive touchscreen technology uses human electrical properties to detect and subsequently display when and where a user touches the display. This mechanism of action is what allows users to control the display with their fingers.

Many of today’s touch monitors for industrial applications use projective capacitive touch technology, a more flexible and accurate version of capacitive touch technology.

The short version of how the technology works is this:

The conductive layer of a capacitive touch display is etched with a special X-Y grid. This essentially enables the display to be operated with fingers, styli and, in some cases, gloved fingers.

That versatility is the main reason why many touch monitors for industrial applications utilize projective capacitive touch technology.

Businesses Applications

Well, the industrial touch monitor helps simplify various processes that occur throughout the daily operations of any business.

You’re very likely to see businesses that utilize some point of sale system using devices with a touch monitor. Other industrial settings use the displays to operate their information appliances, especially if they need to use such appliances to direct work processes.

Touch displays, such as an industrial touch monitor, essentially help simplify and streamline work operations. They’re an essential technological device and will only become more popular in the coming years as businesses adapt to more effective technologies. To know more visit
