Killer bee attacks are hitting the news quite a bit in recent years. While it may seem like something out of a rated B horror movie, you should be prepared to protect yourself, if you are ever in danger of being attacked. News reports of a woman being attacked by 75,000 killer bees in California will have people panicking anytime they hear a buzz close to their ear. If you feel like you have a hive of killer bees on your property, the first thing you need to do is call the professionals in Bee Removal in Manhattan, and let them deal with the problem for you. If you run up on a hive by accident, there are a few things that you can do to keep from being attacked.
Don’t Run
If you run across a hive of killer bees, the best thing to do is walk away slowly. You do not want to swat at the hive, swat at a stray bee, or run away screaming into the distance. Bees release a pheromone to alert other bees to danger. If you run, swat at them, or threaten their nest, they will attack you.
You do need to remember that this isn’t a horror movie. The killer bees aren’t waiting in the trees for you to walk by, so that they can attack and sting you to death. You also don’t have to worry about them attacking your town and killing everyone in it. However, they are a real and deadly threat, so once you get back to your home, you will want to call in the professionals in Bee Removal in Manhattan.
If you do upset the bees, then pull your shirt or your jacket over your head, so that they can’t attack your head and eyes. Make sure that you don’t obstruct your vision while you are running.
Get Indoors
If you are not near your home, get into your car as quickly as possible. You will want to close all windows and doors to keep the bees from coming inside with you. Once you are inside use your landline or cell phone to call Metro Pest Control. Do not go back outside and try to take care of the bees yourself.