If you are arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) it can either be classified as a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances, such as if you have previously been charged with the same offense. Being charged with a DUI can have a wide range of negative impacts on your life, including the loss of driving privilege’s, lost wages, jail time, steep fines, community service and/or probation.
It is important to secure the representation of a DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs, WV as soon as you are charged with the offense. A DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs, WV is familiar with the specific laws surrounding a charge of driving under the influence and will be able to provide you with advise on what to expect regarding the courts. If you are pulled over for suspected DUI, it is important to be polite and respectful to the officer. The officer will typically request you to exit the vehicle and ask if you are willing to take a field sobriety test and/or a breathalyzer test.
You have the option of declining either of these test, but it is important to note that if you refuse the breathalyzer, you may automatically lose your driving privilege’s for specific amount of time. Both the field sobriety test and the breathalyzer can give false results. If you agree to take the tests, a DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs, WV will request a copy of the results for your case. There are several things an attorney will look for when reviewing the results of your breathalyzer and field sobriety test, such as when the breathalyzer machine was last calibrated and the conditions under which you took the field sobriety test. For example, if the weather is extremely bad, the roads were slick or there was a lot of traffic, the DUI Lawyer in Berkeley Springs WV will attempt to prove that environmental factors may have played a role in your results. As soon as you are arrested, the office on the scene will take your drivers license.
You will have 72 hours to present reasonable cause why you should keep your driving privilege’s until your court hearing. If you have an attorney to represent you, the attorney can advise you on whether you will be able to get your driving privilege’s back as well as represent you at the Department of Motor Vehicles.