Benefits of Installing a Solar Water Heater in Hawaii

by | Jun 23, 2017 | Solar

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In today’s increasingly energy-conscious society homeowners have more options than ever when it comes to finding new ways to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their properties’ self-sufficiency. Installing a Solar Water Heater in Hawaii is one of the simplest of them. Just decades ago solar technology was still in its infancy and was too expensive for most homeowners to afford. Recent advances in technology have made a variety of applications for solar power much more economically feasible for a wider selection of individuals and families. Learn more about the benefits of solar water heaters below.

Reduced Dependency on Finite Resources

While natural gas, oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are becoming more and more scarce every day, the sun supplies a seemingly unlimited amount of energy. Harnessing that energy for home use just makes good sense, particularly when compared to the alternatives. Eco-conscious homeowners have every reason to make the switch to a Solar Water Heater in Hawaii.

Financial Incentive

Not only does the federal government offer tax credits to homeowners who are willing to invest in solar energy, but Hawaii also offers state tax incentives. These can help to offset the initial installation cost of solar water heaters and other forms of solar power.

Increased Property Value

Going green has become a very popular trend, particularly on the Islands. That means homes that feature solar hot water heaters typically see a boost in their property value when their owners decide to sell. As fossil fuels become more expensive and solar energy becomes more popular, this trend is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

Save on Monthly Bills

Not only will a home’s property value rise with the addition of a solar water heater, but the household’s monthly bills will drop considerably as well. That’s because while gas and electric heaters require a regular and quite extensive power source, solar heaters are designed specifically to harness the power of the sun, which is free.

Interested in learning more about solar water heaters and other ways of harnessing the sun’s seemingly unlimited power? Visit the website for additional information, or get in touch with any questions today. You can also visit them on YouTube Channel.