If you are looking for the best supplement that you can use while growing all manner of plants, then you should definitely consider using mycorrhizal fungi for soil. There are plenty of benefits to doing so.
Water & Nutritional Boost
This type of fungus works by increasing the actual surface area of the roots which thereby increases the amount of water and vitamins that they are capable of taking in. This obviously leads to much healthier plants and better yields of whatever they are growing.
Pathogen Resistance
While some plants are naturally quite hardy, there are others that are particularly susceptible to disease and root rot. To increase their resistance to these pathogens, even if they already do a decent job on their own, you should add the recommended amount of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil. These amounts will differ from species to species so you should always read the label before any work begins.
Higher Transplant Survival Rate
Unfortunately, there are some plants that simply do not do well if they need to be transplanted to a different location. The survival rate can often be quite low. However, there are ways to strengthen these chances, and that involves using mycorrhizal fungi for soil. It makes not only the soil healthier but also any roots that are in the same soil.
If you are looking for high-quality supplements for your plants that are derived from fungi and all-natural, please contact DYNOMYCO. They will answer any questions that you might have.