Benefits Offered by an Intragastric Balloon

by | Jan 15, 2019 | Health

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If you are overweight, you know how hard it can be. You often don’t fit in traditional airplanes or movie seats, and often feel people staring. It can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. If you are overweight, it can also lead to an array of health issues.

Unfortunately, losing weight can be extremely challenging. This is when you may want to consider an intragastric balloon in Dallas, TX. Some of the benefits offered by this weight loss method can be found here.

No Surgery Involved

During the procedure, you will be sedated, and a thin tube places a silicone balloon into the stomach by way of the throat. Then the doctor performing the procedure guides their endoscope down your throat, while the silicone balloon is filled with saline.

Once the balloon has been fully inflated and sealed, then the tubes are taken out, and the procedure is complete. In most cases, the entire process only takes about 30 minutes. The intragastric balloon in Dallas, TX will be left in place for six months and then removed.

The Balloon Is Temporary

This gastric balloon as designed to be in the patient’s stomach for only six months before being removed. However, if anything happens before that time, it can be taken out as needed. This makes it a much more flexible option than other weight loss surgeries.

If you are thinking about losing weight, then you should consider the intragastric balloon in Dallas, TX. It offers an array of benefits, with a few of them listed here.

Find out more about weight loss surgery by visiting the Kedia MD website or calling the 214-941-6891 today!