Benefits Offered by Re-roofing Northern in Virginia

by | Apr 24, 2018 | Home Improvement Services

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It is imperative to keep up with the state and condition of a roof. This is the best way to know if any damage is present. If there is damage or cosmetic issues with a roof, a great option is Re-roofing Northern in Virginia. Getting to know more about this process can help a person determine whether or not this is the best solution.

What is Re-Roofing Anyway?

While the name of the process makes it sound like the old roof will be taken off and a new one will be installed -; this simply isn’t the case. Re-roofing, is also referred to as layover roofing. It occurs when a new layer is placed over the shingles of an existing roof.

Learn about some of the specific benefits offered by this method here.

Stronger Support

When the second layer of shingles is added to a roof, additional strength is also added. If a tough storm rolls through, serious damage can occur. When re-roofing is present, then there is an extra layer of protection between the home and the weather. This can also help prevent serious cosmetic issues.

Provides a Cosmetic Facelift

There are several shingle roofs that may become dirty or discolored as time passes. When a new layer of shingles is installed, it will not only make the roof stronger but also give it a cosmetic facelift. In fact, Re-roofing Northern in Virginia will help to bring a roof back to life. This helps to give that “new roof” look while improving the home’s curbside appeal and overall aesthetics.

It’s Fast and Easy to Do

Believe it or not, the process of re-roofing is actually pretty simple. That’s because there’s no need to remove the initial layer of shingles. All a roofing company has to do is add the new layer. This means fewer steps in the whole process.

When it comes to a roof, there are several options when it comes to investing in a new roof. While there is the option to completely remove the old roof, this isn’t necessary in some cases. Individuals interested in re-roofing for their home or business can visit Website Domain to learn more.