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How Much Does It Cost for a Child Custody Lawyer?

One of the most difficult aspects of any divorce is who will gain custody of the children. Custody battles may play out for months, and if you live in Naperville and find yourself facing this situation, you may wonder what legal representation may cost. While there is...

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How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Car accidents are on the rise, they are without a doubt the number one cause of serious injury and death. At last count there was one accident involving a car every second of the day; day in and day out. These accidents result in innumerable injuries that affect a...

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Who Needs A Family Law Attorney?

Some divorces can proceed smoothly. The couple can agree on the property division, child support, and custody of the children. Even in these types of cases, they would need a Family Law Attorney to file for the divorce and complete the appropriate paperwork for a...

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