While a lot of care often goes into designing and choosing just the right parts and components for any prototype or large scale manufacturing operation, choosing something as basic as the correct wiring harness assembly is often not a priority.
The reality is that the wiring harness assembly does have a very large impact on the overall system. A poorly designed cable assembly may add to the bulk of a component and may limit the ease in assembly, repair or replacement of different parts.
There is also an issue with the design of the assembly as it integrates into the space and design of the area or component where it will be used. When the wiring harness assembly is designed with the overall performance and space available in mind it is more effective and efficient, and it will meet all requirements for shielding and other concerns with regards to noise within the system.
Selecting Pre-Manufactured Assemblies
For large scale production, or even for smaller projects, hiring a specialized company to design and produce the necessary wiring harness assembly for the job is a cost saving option.
This is because an experienced company in wiring harness design and production has the ability to produce large orders with minimal waste, actually reducing the overall cost compared to producing them in-house.
The company will also have the testing ability to verify all requirements for the wiring based on the needs of the client. This type of quality control can be maintained even with large lots, reducing the risk of defective wiring components that can result in final product failure or poor performance issues.
Custom Designs
For many new types of devices, components and designs, it will be essential to create a wiring harness assembly that is exclusively developed with that particular part or component in mind. As most production companies aren’t going to have specialized engineers on staff, this is where a custom cable and wire harness company becomes an essential partner in the development phase of the project.
The specialized company has the experience, expertise and working knowledge to not only produce the specific wiring design you need but also to make suggestions that may improve performance, reduce possible failures and speed up assembly of the final component.
There are also a few companies that provide custom wiring harness assembly also offering reverse engineering technology. This is very beneficial in redesigning or retrofit types of projects where complex wiring may be required for a large or small component or equipment part.