If you have noticed a mouse in the house chances are it is a field mouse as they typically live close to humans for food. An adult field or house mouse is only about 1 to 2 inches in length, not counting its tail. They have relatively big ears, a pointy nose, and small eyes. They are usually light brown or gray but can be darker. A full grown house mouse weighs slightly less than 1 ounce.
Regardless of their small stature, field mice are the single most bothersome pest in the United States. House mice feed on various foodstuffs, whether pet or human. Their preference is seeds, grains, and sweets but will eat mostly whatever they find. Mouse infestations in granaries and farms is a huge economic concern as they consume large quantities of grain. Even though one field mouse eats relatively little food per day, 3 grams at the most, they ultimately destroy that much and more, due to their tendency to nibble on grain and then discard the remainder.
When mice infest a home, they may also contaminate or ruin food and foodstuff by their urine, droppings, and hair. A home that is infested with house mice or any rodent is in need rodent control in Columbia, TN. House mice cause substantial structural damage to homes and farm buildings due to their gnawing and nesting habits. Rodents cause substantial damage to the insulation and electrical wiring in attics and inside the walls of homes and buildings.
The damage that occurs in a home progresses at a slower rate than in a barn for example, due to the smaller rodent population. The damage, left unchecked, can be costly and dangerous. Rodents commonly will build nests behind or under, large appliances like ovens and destroy the wiring as well as the insulation. This increases the risk of a short in the electrical wiring that may cause the appliance to malfunction or start a fire.
Rodent Control in Columbia, TN is a given if you suspect or are certain that there is a rodent infestation. Not only do rodents pose a threat because of their destructive nature, but are potential carriers of diseases or the parasites that cause disease. This includes diseases like salmonellosis, (or food poisoning), tapeworms, leptospirosis, and ringworm.
Turn to Butler’s Pest Solutions for a variety of pest control services for your office or business in Columbia, TN! From animal exclusion to fumigation services, they have got you covered!