business owners often find the one thing that continuously breaks in the business is the door. This is a good sign as it means the company is receiving a great deal of traffic, but it can also be very costly to continuously call in a repair man for the door. Sagging is one problem that many businesses find they must deal with, and a commercial locksmith in Lakeview can be of assistance when one is dealing with this issue. The commercial locksmith will likely recommend the installation of continuous hinges.
Continuous hinges are very durable, and some models have been extensively tested, lasting 25,000,000 cycles or longer. This type of hinge prevents the problem of sagging doors, by providing extra support and stability. Many doors make use of pivots, often embedded in concrete. The pivot allows the door to open and close, but they break down over time. The problem many are encountering is parts are no longer made for the type of pivot they have. A continuous hinge eliminates this issue as they last much longer.
Another benefit of making use of continuous hinges is it eliminates the risk of a criminal mounting a hinge attack to enter the business unlawfully. He or she will no longer be able to do so, thanks to the design of continuous hinges. Although the hinges don’t eliminate the need for other security measures, they do significantly reduce the risk of a crime being committed with the help of a hinge attack. A variety of mounting types are offered, allowing the business owner to select the one which best meets his or her needs, in conjunction with the lock company.
If you believe continuous hinges are the right choice for your business, contact Amazing Lock Service, a Commercial locksmith in Lakeview. They will be of great assistance in helping you install the hinges and can assist with all of your lock needs. In addition to installing a continuous hinge on your door or doors, they offer electric strikes, panic bars, electronic door releases and more. In operation for more than three decades now, the company remains on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with all of your commercial lock needs.