There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. When two people begin a relationship, they believe it is perfect, but sooner or later that belief fades. It may be one traumatic event that shatters the perception everything is fine, but usually that happens after a lot of little things have worn away at the core of the relationship.
It’s like a river pounding on the rocks, eventually creating the Grand Canyon. In the end, the two people are on opposite sides, feeling as though there is no way to reach across. There are a lot of arguments, but no true communication. The same things are said over and over, but neither wants to hear the same complaints and accusations even one more time.
There are reasons couples remain together in a troubled marriage. Usually, those reasons are the children and money. It costs more to maintain two homes than it does to pay the expenses for one. People (usually those who were divorced in the past) say the kids will adjust. That’s true, as they have no choice in the matter. That does not mean they will be better off than they would be growing up in an intact, loving family. Most people are not better off after a divorce, financially or otherwise. The odds are that a new relationship will also run into trouble and dissolve.
It may seem as though the love has been buried under bitterness and anger, but love can be renewed. It’s possible to find a way back to each other, even if the divorce papers have already been filed. Building a better life together within a loving Christian marriage is possible. It has happened to others, many, many times. It’s even possible if only one partner is willing to enter Couples Therapy In Madison AL. Break out of the established patterns that aren’t working. Learn a better way of relating to each other. There is hope.
Kevin R. Brand does not believe any marriage is hopeless. In his 39 years of marriage counseling, he has seen countless couples turn their relationships around. Imagine once again being passionately in love with your best friend. Before it’s too late, learn more about Couples Therapy in Madison AL. Call Business Name for Counseling. There’s no guarantee of success, but be courageous. He’s helped many marriages learn how to succeed and reclaim that lost happiness.