Abrasives are typically decided upon according to their hardness. Some applications are easily damaged and require lighter abrasives. They require soft blasting media. Others products or machinery pieces may require a medium level abrasive consisting of a soft and hard blend. Some, however, can only be treated effectively using hard blasting media. Among such traditional hard abrasives such as steel shot and aluminum oxide is another option, sometimes referred to as a semi-hard abrasive. This is crushed glass blasting media.
What Is Crushed Glass Blasting Media?
Crushed glass blast media is composed of recycled bottles or other glass, making it eco-friendly as well as economical. The material is extremely low in free silica as well as being both chemically inert and non-reactive. Operator safety is also ensured since it can be used in dustless, vapor, and dry-blasting equipment.
Crushed glass blasting media is for applications where the cutting action requires aggressive surface profiling. This media is sufficiently forceful to remove many paints, other coatings and even rust without damaging the substrate. This includes such heavy coatings as:
• Alkyds
• Elastomeric
• Epoxy
• Paint
• Polyurea coal tar
• Vinyl
The resulting finish is attractive, cleaner and can be further enhanced by a final finish.
The applications for crushed glass blast material are varied. They include:
• Automotive parts
• Bridges
• Precast concrete
• Water tanks
• Steel construction
Crushed Glass Media
If you need media capable of providing aggressive cuts on durable material without damaging the substrate, crushed glass blasting media may be the answer. It can remove rust, paint, and coatings effectively, efficiently, and economically. Its composition and techniques work in favor of the company’s eco-friendliness and employee safety.