It is not uncommon for individuals to initially be denied their disability benefits. Many people mistakenly believe a denial means the process ends, but this is not so. When someone is denied disability benefits, they still have the right to seek an appeal. Getting help from the Attorney in Temecula CA makes the appeals process much easier to go through.
What Happens When Benefits are Denied?
Many cases are denied when individuals first file for disability benefits. Often, there was human error or the individual did not have the medical records to back their claim of being disabled. Just because a person receives a denial does not mean they are not disabled. It is important the applicant carefully reads the denial notice they received because the reason for the denial should be clearly stated.
Everyone should appeal a denial when it is received, but many individuals prematurely give up on the process because they feel they cannot win the case. It is important an individual appeals the decision as soon as possible so an appeal hearing can be scheduled.
How to Get Help From a Lawyer
It is not required for a person to get help from a lawyer, but it certainly helps the process. The Attorney in Temecula CA will prepare for the hearing and prepare their client for any questions that may be asked by the judge.
Medical evidence is crucial for the appeals process and the lawyer will work to ensure there is enough medical evidence to prove the disability. They may also bring in doctors and other medical professionals to testify.
The lawyer will work on behalf of their client to present a strong case for disability before the judge. It will be up to the judge to determine whether or not an approval for disability benefits is granted.
If you would like to learn more about how a lawyer can help you, visit Call the office today to schedule an appointment right away. They will be happy to meet with you and go over your needs. Whether you are just starting the process or have been denied, there is legal help available. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!