Do You Suffer Lower Back Pain?

by | Jan 18, 2016 | Shopping and Fashion

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Many people suffer from lower back pain, there are many reasons for this including spending long hours on your feet. Unfortunately, there is no single mattress that will eliminate this pain for everyone, the right choice boils down to personal preference. There are a few guidelines to help someone who is suffering from lower back make an educated choice when choosing a mattress. The best practice is to actually lie down on the mattress for some period of time. Lafayette is happy to let you test as many mattresses as you would like before making your decision. With the number of variables available this might take a long time so give yourself plenty of time to ensure you are happy with your choice.

People with lower back pain will normally be looking for a mattress that falls somewhere in the middle of comfort and support. A mattress that is quite firm may very well give good support for the lower back, but not be comfortable. This is an extremely important consideration if you sleep with a partner. A soft mattress may be comfortable but chances are it will not offer enough support. Choose a mattress in Lafayette that is the best compromise between comfort and support but don’t lose sight of the fact that there are other factors as well that play a role in your getting a good night’s sleep.

Memory foam has been around for more than forty years having been developed for use in space projects such as the manned shuttle flights. This material is quite popular with those who suffer lower back pain. The material is a type of polyurethane; the mattress does not have coil springs as is typical in a conventional mattress. Polyurethane; often combined with gel forms a soft material that conforms to the body shape and contours of the user. A memory foam mattress may be a costlier than a conventional coil spring mattress, but they are considered worth it by suffers of lower back pain. The firmness is based on the thickness, the thicker the mattress, the softer it is so pay particular attention and try various thicknesses.

If you are one of the millions that suffer from lower back pain you will be looking for a mattress in Lafayette that will help alleviate the problem. You are invited to visit Mattress Direct where you will find the best choice of mattresses in the area click here to know more details.