Duct Cleaning Services In Lakeland FL LeavesThe Air Easier To Breathe And The HVAC System Operating Smoothly

by | Mar 25, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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If you’ve just built a home, had remodeling performed, just moved in or have lived in your home for a while, it is a good time to contact duct cleaning services in Lakeland FL. Dust, mold, bacteria and many allergens can develop within the duct work of a home. Signs that it needs cleaning is when the furniture is constantly covered with dust or sneezing, and congestion happens each time you or a guest walk into the home. If a homeowner has pets, the duct work is probably filled with animal hair. Even with the best cleaning methods of the house, the duct work can become full of many things that can result in difficulty breathing in a home.

Indoor air pollutants are one of the leading causes of allergies. Dust mite droppings can get into carpeting and be pulled into the cold air return of an HVA unit. The moist Florida air can very easily create a mold or mildew problem in a home. Changing the filter on a furnace or air conditioning system will help to eliminate some of the particles traveling through the HVAC system, but will not collect all of them. Some of these pollutants are in the bottom of the duct work and each time the HVA unit turns on, air travels across them spreading them throughout the house.

Duct cleaning services in Lakeland FL involved removing and sanitizing all of the return grilles and supplies. They will clean and scrub all of the duct work to kill mold and mildew with a microbicide to kill them. The air handler of the unit will also be cleaned and sanitized. An evaporator coil on an air conditioning unit can become very dirty and develop mold. This will also be cleaned and sanitized. Any allergens or debris will be removed from the ductwork and eliminate a lot of the dust within a home. Animal dander that has taken refuge in the duct work will be gone. There is enough air pollution in the outdoor air that you breathe and the indoor air quality should be at its best for relaxing and sleeping peacefully. For more information about duct work cleaning, please feel free to click here.