Enjoy a Wonderful, White Smile With Dental Veneers

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Dentist

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Creating a beautiful smile may be a lot of work, but most people feel the effort is worth all the trouble. However, there are a few procedures that can speed the process such as dental whitening or shaping and bonding, but the most useful would be Dental Veneers in Midwest City OK. This is mainly because the veneer is designed to cover or hide dental issues in lieu of other options. There are times when this is necessary like a patient with misshapen teeth or severe stains that cannot be completely eliminated.

The first step in Dental Veneers in Midwest City OK is preparing the teeth. This usually involves cleaning them and taking the initial mold. This procedure should not take very long since the materials used for the mold set up very quickly. The next few processes don’t actually require the patient although some dental offices can make the veneer on site. That is, the dentist will take the initial mold and create a casting of the teeth. This cast is used to design the new veneer and ensure a proper fit.

One reason that Dental Veneers in Midwest City OK are so popular is the limited amount of work required to place the device. Contrast this with early veneering methods that required extensive filing and grinding to fit the cover in place. Today’s procedures require little, if any, filing or shaping because the veneer is crafted to tight specifications.

If the dentist doesn’t create their veneers at the office, the application will take a little longer. The benefit of waiting for Dental Veneers in Midwest City OK is that most labs offer a more consistent product. This is useful to the busy dentist as well since they can then focus on the patient’s other needs. For instance, eliminating any remaining cavities or installing crowns on damaged molars. The latter may be necessary because the veneer only covers the front or visible portion of the teeth. Keep in mind that veneers are held in place with an epoxy and could come loose. If this happens, take the veneer to the dentist for reapplication. Visit the website domain to look at more info.

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