Enjoy Long Lasting Roof Protection Using an Experienced Metal Roofer in Port Washington NY

by | Jan 23, 2017 | Roofing

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There are many excellent roofing materials such as composite shingles and fiber-cement tiles, but one of the most reliable roofing solutions makes use of metals like steel and copper. Having an expert metal roofer in Port Washington NY install a copper roof with matching flashing and ducts will give the building a roof that could protect it for a century or more. Copper lasts so long because it does not corrode like other metals. Instead, copper develops a nice green patina that gives the structure a gorgeous look.

Due to the expense of high-quality copper roofing, people tend to use a less weather resistant metal like steel roofing. However, steel is generally an excellent choice for roofing projects provided that the metal is properly protected. There are various ways that metal roofing can be protected from the elements including a PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) based paint, chipped stone coating and galvanizing with a zinc and aluminum alloy. Each of these protective coatings have pros and cons. For instance, galvanizing the steel provides a reliable protective barrier because the elements have to oxidize through the zinc and aluminum alloy first, but galvanized metal tends to have an industrial appearance. Painting the metal provides plenty of color options, but the paint may not last as long if it gets damaged during installation. This is one reason that using an experienced Metal Roofer in Port Washington NY is necessary.

Stone coated steel is one of the better types of metal roofing, especially for residential purposes. One reason for this is that the material can resemble other roofing solutions such as slate and wood. The product is made by forming sheets of galvanized steel into the desired pattern and then coating it with an acrylic resin and small stone chips. The resin and stone creates a durable barrier that is highly resistant to the elements. Another benefit with steel roofing such as this is that it can be installed on an existing roof. Of course, the roof needs to be sturdy enough to support the additional weight. Using this option on an asphalt or composite roof means that there is very little debris to haul off. Contact us for more information about copper and steel roofing solutions.