Essential Information About a Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN

by | Mar 11, 2014 | Law

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Criminal charges can be serious permanent record markers and can lead to jail sentences that will completely change your life. When you are charged with a criminal offense, there are certain protocols that you should follow. The most important is being informed of your Miranda rights, you should be shown the warrant of arrest and made aware of the reason for the arrest. The important thing to listen out for in the Miranda rights is “You have right to speak to an attorney”. This is because whatever you say when in the custody of the police can be used as evidence against you in the court law.

Irrespective of the nature and extent of your crime, you need to contact a Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN as soon as possible. A criminal lawyer is a legal professional who has a deep knowledge of both the state and federal criminal law. They know all the legal ramifications that surround a criminal case and can help you get the most favorable ruling.

Major Types of Crimes Handled by a Qualified Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN

There are various types of crimes that one can be accused of. In all these types of crimes, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer.


Dui is term used in law to refer to Driving under Influence of drugs or alcohol. DUI is a serious crime and with severe consequences. If you are charged with DUI, you need to hire the services of a reputable criminal lawyer to help you fight for your rights.

Drug Offenses

There are many kinds of drug offenses. They include possession, selling, trafficking, and manufacturing of illegal drugs. The severity of these crimes depends on the amount of the drugs involved.


Theft includes robbery, burglary, shop lifting and many others. Robbery is of many kinds and if caught, you can undergo a long trial. In such cases, you need the assistance of an efficient Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN to free you the legal burden.

There are other types of crimes that require the services of a reputable Criminal Lawyer in Rochester, MN. However, you have to make sure you hire the best criminal lawyer to avoid wasting your time and money and in order to get the best results.