Establishing a Wellness Schedule Through a Cat Clinic in Olathe, KS

by | May 10, 2017 | Animal Hospital

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In many ways, cats are a much easier pet to care for than the average dog. They typically prefer less one-on-one attention and usually do not have all of the grooming needs a dog requires. However, this does not mean that they do not require care. Medical needs are especially important and cats that do not get regular vaccinations and screenings are at risk of contracting deadly diseases or suffering from treatable illnesses. Semi-annual visits to a Cat Clinic in Olathe KS is all that most cats will need to make certain they can continue to be aloof and seemingly unappreciative of their owners.

Remember These Vaccinations

A cat’s vaccination schedule should begin when they are kittens but this is not always possible with strays and shelter pets. Rabies is the most important vaccination of all because there is no cure for the virus and it can infect humans and all other pets. Cats should also have the feline panleukopenia (FVRCP) and feline leukemia (FeLV) vaccinations as well. Indoor cats that are never exposed to other animals or at risk of escaping may not have a need for the same vaccination schedule as indoor/outdoor pets.

Include These Screenings

Blood and urine screenings will eliminate the concern of disease or illness or detect problems early on when they are easier to treat. Screenings for heartworms and intestinal parasites are also important for their continued good health.

Add Some Extras

It is always better to prevent a problem than to treat one. That is why picking up preventative medications while at the Cat Clinic in Olathe KS is a good idea. Avoiding heartworms, fleas and ticks and ear mites is something everyone should want to do.

Domestic cats are still surprisingly similar to their wild ancestors. Their methods of play, hunting tactics and even their need to perch in high places and survey their kingdoms are all ancient traits. Another trait they maintain is an unfortunate one. It is their ability to hide sickness and pain. Many owners have been surprised by the sudden death of a cat that had seemed well until the end. Regular exams detect the problems a little fluff ball is hiding and makes it possible to correct or cure the issue before it is too late. Click here to view the services offered at a semi-annual feline wellness check.

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