Familiarize Yourself With Terminology Used By A Charleston Roofing Company

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Roofing

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Before investing in a new roof, or hiring a roofing contractor, familiarize yourself with the terminology. Protect your home with the right roof while saving money on only necessary tools and materials. A new roof is a big investment that will protect an even bigger investment in your home. A Charleston Roofing Company can inform you on the roof system components, shingles, tile or other roofing materials and lastly, verify the right insulation and ventilation being considered.

Roof systems that have a 25% or more slant, have five major components that must be considered. The five components are roof covering, sheathing, roof structure, flashing and drainage. The roof covering is the part you will see from the outside while covering the sheathing on the inside. The roof material comes in shingles, tile, slate or a metal cover.

Next, the sheathing are the boards or sheet material that is attached to the rafters and cover the house. The roof structure is what the sheathing attaches to, be it rafters or trusses. Flashing is installed in the roof’s joints and is made of a metal material. This material prevents water from getting into the valleys of the roof. Lastly, drainage is important in a roof system as its design affects the way the roof can shed any water accumulation.

Since the roof covering is the only component that you will see on your roof, then consider each option with cost, durability, aesthetics and architectural style as your guiding force in which covering you choose. Asphalt shingles are the more common type of covering, while wood shingles and shake are a distant second. Tile is used to give the roof a Spanish or mission style look to the house. Slate is available in a variety of colors however, is very expensive although incredibly durable. Metal and synthetic roof covering options round out the possible choices.

Lastly, understand that ventilation and insulation are the most crucial factors to consider in your roofing options. Provide enough insulation in the attic area to protect from heat loss as well as providing a vapor retarded to protect against unwanted moisture. A Charleston roofing company should have options for adding vented spaces in the roof while providing at least 1 inch between the insulation and sheathing. For more information visit Pioneer Roofing.