Fathers in Dallas Have Custody Rights, Too

by | Mar 1, 2014 | Law

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Child custody battles are never easy. It is even more difficult for a father seeking custody because even in today’s world, custody cases favor the mother more often than not. This can leave fathers seeking Custody Dallas feeling like there is no hope, but while it certainly is more difficult for a father to get custody it is not unheard of.

One important thing you want to avoid doing is putting the child in the middle. Custody battles are very difficult on them to begin with and using them to get back at the other parent is not only emotionally damaging to your child but it can damage your credibility when it comes to your case as well. The first thing you want to do when trying to obtain Custody Dallas is to get an attorney as soon as possible. Trying to handle your own case is not advised because as the father seeking custody you need the strongest case possible in order to increase your chances of winning. Proving a mother is unfit to have custody of their children is not always an easy feat. Things that annoy you or bother you about her might not be enough for a judge to agree that she cannot take care of her children. Remember, it is not about your opinion here -; the court is always on the side of the child, and it is your job to convince the court that giving you custody is the best thing for the child. Click here for more details.

So how can you possibly do that when you feel so angry about the situation?

* Show the court that you are responsible and will do things according to the law. Make your child support payments on time.

* Stick to your visitation schedule and make sure you don’t miss any important gatherings, such as birthdays or school plays.

* Maintain a space for your child in your home so that you can show the court that they have a comfortable and safe place to live.

* Make sure you have a plan for how things will go if you win. Where they will go to school, for example, and who will watch them while you are at work.

* And do not under any circumstances let yourself get involved in a mudslinging contest with your ex.

* Call your attorney at Lee Law Firm Dallas before you do or say anything that could hurt your case.