Fiber Optic Cable Suppliers Provide Many Benefits

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Industrial Contractors

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Many cities and towns today are turning to fiber optic technology. It offers exceptional high-speed Internet and many other features. Here are some reasons to talk to your fiber optic cable suppliers about materials for installing this technology in your facility.

What is Fiber Optic?

Standard copper cable has solid copper surrounded by shielding material and insulation. The copper conductor carries the signal, and this was the standard for cable television and high-speed Internet for many years. However, a new and more effective technology from fiber optic cable suppliers is now available.

Fiber optic is made from many fine strands of glass. The strands are about the same diameter as one of your hairs. The glass fibers transmit light over long distances. It does this by providing a reflective surface (like a hallway with mirrors on the wall). This allows light to travel in a variety of twists and turns, which it normally could not.

More Bandwidth

Your fiber optic cable suppliers can give you materials supplying more bandwidth than copper cables. In fact, you may receive double the bandwidth for the same size cables.


Fiber optic networks can span great distances. You need fewer boosters and relay stations. This helps the TV or Internet supplier save on costs.

Reliable Connections

Standard cable transmissions are often affected by weather. For example, sudden changes in temperature, humidity, and inclement weather can degrade the signal. This causes a lot of problems with people receiving the signal.

Benefits for Your Business

People in the hospitality industry can provide better service to customers. For example, motels and hotels can offer superior Internet and cable. Any business using the Internet, television, or computers can benefit by switching to modern high-speed fiber optic services. Some companies offer special rates for these services, to save you even more money.