Violence is a grim fact of life in America. According to the American Bar Association, about 1.5 million women are assaulted by their partners every year. That’s just one type of assault. There is also rape, basic assault and aggravated assault with and without weapons. Getting the right Assault Lawyer Lebanon can make all the difference in your case. Here are tips on how to pick the right lawyer for you.
Many different types of lawyers may be asked to handle assault cases during their careers. Ask the lawyer how many assault cases he or she has handled and how many assault cases does he or she handle in a year. It’s also rare for any types of legal cases to go to trial. Most settle out of court. Do not be put off if the lawyer has rarely handled cases that went to trial. Also ask if the lawyer has represented assault perpetrators as well as assault victims. Whether you want to work with lawyers who just represent victims is a matter of personal preference.
It is not rude to ask about how much the lawyer is going to cost you. Lawyers can bill hourly or a one-time fee. They should also list any other fees. You need to know when payments are due and an estimate of the total cost. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you still have the right of legal representation. Do not be put off by court appointed or pro bono lawyers. Talk to the lawyer first before taking one on, even if that layer is a pro bono lawyer.
Lawyers should treat you in a polite, professional manner. They should take the time to listen to you and answer your questions. They should not ignore your concerns, not let you have a chance to talk or try to dazzle you with legal jargon. Do not let a fancy office, designer suits or other ostentatious displays of wealth make you think this lawyer is better than others. Talk to the lawyer first and see if you can get along with him or her.