Finding Your Next Executive Sales Candidate

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Business

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Finding the right fit for a position can be difficult, especially in a field with high turnover like Sales. You could post your executive sales job on a site like Indeed, and sift through the numerous resumes that pour in. However, that wastes your time and doesn’t find the most qualified candidate. Here’s why you should consider using an executive sales recruitment firm to find your next executive sales candidate.

Candidate Pool

Executive recruiters have access to a large pool of candidates at the senior and executive level. That means that the candidates they have access to are probably more qualified than the ones you can find on your own. Recruiters take the time to search through this candidate pool to find those with legitimate experience qualifying them for your business. They don’t just match up experience; they also find candidates who care about what your business does and want to see it succeed.

Industry Connections

Many recruiters have connections within specific industries. A recruiter within your industry has access to the best candidates within it, but also has the knowledge about what makes a good candidate for your industry. This helps them narrow down your candidate pool even more so to the most relevant candidates. It also gives them a deeper understanding of the specific needs of your business.


The key to finding an experienced candidate is finding an experienced person to find the candidate. Recruiting firms have much experience matching executive candidates with businesses, so they can apply that experience to your job opening. There is more to assessing a candidate than looking at a resume or conducting a few interviews. Recruiting firms have a thoughtful process behind their decision making in these circumstances. That process has proven successful in the past, and can prove successful for your business. Make the best decision and step back to let the professionals match the right executive sales candidate to your business.

Executive sales recruitment experts from The Sales Coaching Institute will transform your sales hiring process. You will hire the right professional who will hit the mark and stay with your organization for the long haul. Click here for more information.