A fire is one of the most damaging and dangerous events which can occur in any building at any time. Every location should have fire extinguishers available. But simply having one is not enough, all extinguishers need to be inspected regularly to ensure they meet safety standards.
The first step is to make certain the extinguishers that are available are suitable for the surroundings. Commercial kitchens will need ones that can extinguish grease and oil fires, like a class “K” extinguisher. It is important to be certain your extinguisher is safe to use on whatever type of materials are in the area.
In a commercial or industrial building, all local fire codes should be followed in regard to how many extinguishers are needed and where they need to be placed. These codes can be explained during a fire inspection.
For the greatest protection, the building owner or maintenance supervisor should perform a monthly check on all extinguishers to ensure they are charged and ready in case they are ever needed. There should also be an annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection in Iowa City on all extinguishers. For business owners who are uncertain about how to perform monthly maintenance, contact the fire department, talk to your extinguisher inspection company. Any of these professionals can get you the information you need.
This annual inspection is often a requirement to maintain a business license and it may also be required by the insurance company to keep property and liability insurance.
A Fire Extinguisher Inspection in Iowa City can be performed by business name. They offer inspections of not just extinguishers, but also sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, and more. Contact them to schedule an inspection and learn more about the services they offer.