Five Principles Followed by Marriage Counselors in Madison AL

by | Jun 19, 2015 | Business

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If your marriage is in trouble, you may feel as if there’s no way out, and myths about therapy and couples counseling may make the situation seem worse than it actually is. Even with the most effective methods, there’s a big problem; couples often wait until it’s almost too late to seek help. However, when conducted well, marriage counseling can have long-lasting positive effects. Listed below are the five principles of effective marriage counselors in Madison AL.

1. Change the couple’s view of their relationship. During couples’ therapy, the practitioner tries to help both spouses see the marriage objectively. Blame-shifting is stopped, and couples learn how to accept responsibility for their actions. Every therapist has a different strategy, but as long as they retain a focus on changing the couple’s perception of the relationship the spouses can start seeing each other differently.

2. Change dysfunctional behavior. An effective marriage counselor tries to change the way partners behave around one another. The therapist makes sure that neither spouse is engaging in self-destructive behavior, and if such behavior has happened, the spouse is referred to drug rehab, anger management or a shelter.

3. Improve communication skills. Communication is part of intimacy, and marriage counseling can help couples learn new ways to communicate. If prior communication has been abusive, spouses may need coaching in order to respond to one another in a more supportive way.

4. Accentuate the other’s strengths. A good marriage counselor points out the relationship’s strengths as treatment is nearing its end. Because Marriage Counselors in Madison AL usually focus on negative issues, it’s easy to forget about the solid parts of the marriage.

5. As we can see, people in difficult marriages shouldn’t give up easily because most problems can be solved. Similarly, those afraid of commitment can take heart knowing that not all troubled marriages end in divorce.

The principles of couples’ therapy can help spouses form close and positive bonds. Couples learn to look at each other objectively, and they can learn to stop behaving in a self-destructive way. Couples in marriage counseling through learn how to share their emotions, and how to communicate effectively. By acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses, couples can increase a marriage’s chances of survival.