Following Steps with a Child Custody Lawyer in Auburn, Indiana

by | May 17, 2017 | Law Services

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In Indiana, parents battle over custody of their child in a variety of circumstances. Divorce is the most common battlefield for child custody. However, parents may revisit child custody if a risk emerges. The following are steps that are followed with a child custody lawyer in Auburn, Indiana.

Evaluating Reports of a Risk to the Child

Any time that a risk is reported against a biological parent, law enforcement must conduct an assessment. Child protective services are contacted to complete the investigation. They conduct a home study and evaluate the child for signs of abuse, neglect, and other injuries. If evidence is discovered, the petitioning parent can acquire custody of the child based on a risk presented by the other parent.

Reviewing Each Parent Properly

If a child custody hearing is scheduled, a judge must make a decision about the most suitable child custody arrangement. The judge reviews all possible outcomes based on the living situation of each parent, their income, and their ability to provide a safe home for the child. If any risks are discovered, child custody is awarded to one parent only.

Examining Possible Custody Assignments

Custody assignments are based on shared or sole custody. Either the parents acquire the ability to split time with their children, or one parent receives custody. The type of custody assigned is the determining factor for who makes decisions about the children. Shared custody provides a united option for parents.

Reviewing Connecting Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence cases can have some power over a custody case. If the attacker is a parent, they are evaluated to determine if they are a risk to the child. If they didn’t attack the child, it is less likely that the case will affect the custody assignment.

In Indiana, parents will face custody battles in some divorce cases. If the parents cannot find a clear solution, they must attend a child custody hearing, which is conducted by a judge who decides which parent acquires custody. Parents who need help from a child custody lawyer in Auburn, Indiana can contact Yoder & Kraus for more information now.