by | Apr 30, 2021 | Business

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To keep a building structurally sound, foundation cracks should be repaired as soon as possible. An untrained individual should never attempt to seal a crack with epoxy or caulking, because it will fail. Foundation crack repair in Prairie Village, KS should only be performed by a trained foundation and waterproofing company, and should be combined with correcting the water situation that is causing the problem.

Cracks in a foundation are cause for an owner to be alarmed that they have a serious water problem that needs to be addressed. Hydrostatic pressure is the excess pressure against a foundation wall that creates cracks. Excessive water pressure can develop due to improper grading around a building, faulty downspouts or gutters, and French drains outside the foundation that are not working properly.

What is the Big Deal About Water?

Foundation cracks allow water into the basement of a building and can cause a health hazard to individuals in the building. Mold can develop within 48 to 72 hours after a water event and will continue to be a risk in a damp environment. In addition to a health concern, the integrity of a structure will suffer without foundation crack repair in Prairie Village, KS.

Damaged Foundation Walls

Repairing cracks in the foundation is not the only work that will need to be completed. Bowed walls and heaved flooring will need additional foundation repair services. Helical piles are a preferable system for crumbling basement walls because it’s less expensive, takes less time to complete, and doesn’t disturb surrounding areas like driveways, landscaping, and walkways.

Concrete Repair

If the concrete in a basement is heaved, a decision will have to be made whether to repair or replace it. Repairing concrete is a more affordable option in many cases. Raising concrete is usable within a few hours, while the new concrete cannot be used for several days.

Mr. Basement offers a variety of services that include concrete, foundation, and basement wall repair. We can also install helical piers and perform waterproofing services. We will provide you with a free estimate of the work and offer years of experience in the industry. For more information, please visit our website.