Fountain Grass in Florida: A Low-Maintenance Option for New Residents

by | Jan 29, 2021 | Education

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When people first move to southern Florida from a northern region, there may be a learning curve regarding landscaping. Many plants that cannot easily be grown in the north thrive in this climate and soil composition. Fountain grass in Florida is an example.


As it grows, this ornamental plant develops the shape of water spraying from a fountain because of its foxtail blooms. The grass is an ideal plant to start with because caring for it is easy and it has a lovely appearance. The plants also can be divided if they become overcrowded, which is a free way to add new ornamental greenery to the yard.

Fountain grass in Florida grows well in any kind of soil, although the location should have good drainage. The grass prefers full sunshine, but a small amount of shade during the day is acceptable. The plants usually do not need any watering unless drought conditions occur.


This plant is available in several different types that vary in color and size. Purple and red foliage and bloom colors create a remarkable sight in residential landscaping. Property owners who prefer something less dramatic might choose green fountain grass with tan blooms that change to pink later in the season.

Smaller plants that only grow up to about 1 ft. tall tend to be the most popular, but some varieties grow as tall as 4 ft. Fountain grass and other sun-loving varieties can be ordered from Plant Life Farms, which provides details at Website Url.