Four Benefits of Selling to a Cash House-Buying Company in Portland

by | Apr 15, 2021 | Education

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If you’ve had your home on the market a while with little success, it may be time to call a reputable cash house-buying company in your area. For one thing, you won’t have some real estate agent always calling you and breathing down your neck. You’ll also have a buyer that is highly interested in your property. That said, here are some key advantages of selling to a house-buying establishment in Portland.

Simple Process

To initiate a “cash for houses in Portland” deal, you’ll need to contact the company through its website or by phone and make an appointment with a buying agent. This professional will come to your house and do a walkthrough. If their company is interested in purchasing your house, you will likely receive an offer in a day or two.

Get Home Sold Quickly

Most cash homebuyers can complete the buying process within two to three weeks. This gives them time to schedule their lawyers for the closing and get all of the necessary forms prepared. As an added convenience, you’ll likely get to choose the closing date.

Fewer Hassles

With a conventional real estate sale, you would need to keep your house cleaned, stage prominent rooms, like your dining room and kitchen, and even swap out old light fixtures for new ones. A “cash for houses in Portland” buyer will never make you do any of that. It’ll purchase your home in its current condition.

No Closing Costs

The best thing about selling to an Portland house-buying company is you’ll receive actual cash for your residence. This is money you can use for any purpose.

PDX Renovations LLC, is a highly reputable cash home-buying company in Portland that will always offer you a fair price for your property.