Frequently Asked Questions About Lawn Aeration In Spokane

by | Jan 12, 2015 | Landscaping

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If your yard doesn’t look healthy, you can bring life back into your lawn by aerating the soil. When you contact a professional company that performs Lawn Aeration in Spokane, you’ll see a difference in your lawn in just a few weeks. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about the importance of aerating your lawn.

Q.) What does a professional do to aerate a lawn?

A.) A professional uses a machine called a lawn aerator to remove plugs or cores of soil from your lawn. After removal, the machine deposits the plugs on the surface of your lawn and eventually the soil plugs will decompose into the soil. For best results, it’s recommended that you have your lawn aerated in the spring and in the fall.

Q.) How does aerating a lawn work to make the grass healthier?

A.) When the cores are removed from your lawn, they leave holes in the soil. These holes allow water and nutrients to get deeper down into the soil. When the roots get more water and nutrients, your lawn grows thicker and healthier. Aeration also loosens the soil and prevents it from compacting. If your lawn has compacted soil, the grass doesn’t grow as well because it doesn’t get enough air or moisture.

Q.) What steps should be taken after aerating the lawn?

A.) It’s very beneficial to water your lawn right after it’s aerated by a professional who performs Lawn Aeration in Spokane. The water will immediately soak down into the holes in your yard, add moisture to the roots and help them grow. If you plan on adding seed to your lawn, now is the time to do so. The grass seeds will fall down into the holes and germinate faster. After you aerate your lawn, take the time to fertilize your yard, because the holes allow the fertilizer to work several inches down into the soil.

Spokane Pro Care specializes in lawn maintenance, tree care, sprinkler service, pest control and snow removal. Visit their website to learn more about this experienced company and to request a free estimate for any of their services.