If you’re pressed for cash, getting rid of your old, junk car in Chicago can put quite a pretty penny into your pocket. By selling your car to a “cash for cars” business, or by selling it to a repair shop or scrap yard for parts, you might discover that the value of your “junk” is higher than you thought.
Assess the Damage
Before selling your car, you should educate yourself about the vehicle and determine its Blue Book value. This will help you to shop around for the best price to sell for. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that you’re fully aware of all of the car’s damages and anything else that may be wrong with it. You’ll be asked a lot of questions about the state of your car, and that state is exactly what’s going to affect how much cash you get in return.
Establish Ownership
Purchasers for scrap yards or junk cars in Chicago won’t be able to buy the vehicle from you if ownership is not established in your name. Make sure that you have possession of the vehicle’s title. It’s possible that some buyers won’t require a title, but it does help to be prepared.
Get Quotes
Make sure you contact multiple junkyards and scrap yards to get quotes and prices for your vehicle. You may be surprised at how much the prices offered can vary. Having a selection to choose from will certainly land you the best price possible. This is where your list of damages and information about your vehicle will come in handy. You can easily read off this information and quickly get the most accurate quote possible.
Be Honest!
Don’t lie about the state or your vehicle or alter it in any way such as rolling back the mileage to make it seem more appealing or worth more money. Being dishonest about your vehicle could land you in more trouble than you bargained for if it’s discovered that you closed a shady deal.
If you’ve got a junk car in Chicago, consider Aero Auto Parts! Their services are diverse: they handle any type of towing needs, buy junk cars, provide roadside assistance and have complete locksmith services. They pride themselves on offering the best service possible at the most reasonable rates while remaining 24/7 available! If you’re stuck on the road, have a junk car to sell, or just need heavy-duty towing in Chicago, they are the ones to call. For more information, visit their website or contact them today.