Back in 2015, over 5 million people were affected worldwide by cancers of the head and neck, with close to 380,00 of those people dying from the cancers. It is suggested that in any given year, over 13,000 people will be diagnosed with a head or neck cancer, keeping doctors and scientists busy trying to treat the cancers and find cures for the disease, respectively. There is a doctor that provides treatment for Head And Neck Cancer in Allentown PA for many patients. Here are some facts that people should know about cancers of the head and neck.
Facts about Head and Neck Cancer
Cancers that are associated with the head and neck usually start in the nose, throat or mouth, but can also be in the salivary glands. Symptoms of such cancers will range from swelling in the mouth and bleeding of the gums to pain in the throat that won’t go away to even severe headaches. Some of these cancers come from the frequent use of alcohol or tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and snuff. The best way to avoid the cancers is to cease using the products.
Treatment of the Cancers
Getting treatment for the cancers will involve several processes including radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and a lot of the times, surgery to remove the cancerous tumors. How well the treatment works will depend upon the stage the cancer is in, where the cancer is located, and the physical and mental condition of the patient. The side effects of treatment for head and neck cancers will vary in areas of the body and the degree of severity. For example, some will be affected by their chewing and swallowing while others may be affected in their speaking.
Where to Get Treatment for Head and Neck Cancer in Allentown, Pennsylvania
Allen ENT has been providing ear, nose, throat, head and neck solutions for patients in the Allentown, Pennsylvania area for several years. These solutions include treating patients with cancers in the areas of the ear, nose, and throat. If there are any individuals in need of treatment for Head And Neck Cancer in Allentown PA, the physicians are available. Get more information by visiting the website at our website.