Getting Veneers Through a Cosmetic Dentist in San Bernardino

by | Jul 2, 2015 | Dentist

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Although both dental implants and veneers are intended to improve dental aesthetics, they are not the same. There are significant differences between each dental technique, which this article will analyze. Implant dentistry is performed when the patient needs to restore a lost tooth after decay, fracture, trauma or periodontal disease. Therefore, the role of the dental implant is not only aesthetic, it also serves to restore full functionality to the teeth. With this technique, the Cosmetic Dentist in San Bernardino places an artificial titanium root in the bone to be integrated after which the dentist will make the final prosthesis.

For its part, veneers are used only when there are aesthetic problems such as stains. In this case, the dentist places a veneer on the front of the tooth that mimics the natural enamel of the patient. Dentists recommend using porcelain veneers since it is much more natural and aesthetic than a composite resin. Surely you’ve wondered why some celebrities have perfect smiles. They do not have flawless teeth, but these are needed to be an actor, singer and television presenter.

Unlike dental implants that are used to replace missing teeth, dental veneers are used to improve dental aesthetics. With veneers, you can change the shape and color of the teeth without damaging tooth structure because they adhere to the front enamel. There are two types of veneers: composite veneers and porcelain veneers. Composite veneers offer a lower cost and quicker installation and are indicated to correct minor cosmetic problems. They work by applying layers of acrylic resin that harden and are molded to take the form that is desired. Their life expectancy is lower, they can change color over time, and are likely to suffer fractures.

Porcelain veneers, however, are made of glass ceramic material and are made to measure in the laboratory from a model taken in the dental clinic. There is a more natural color, meaning a very natural aesthetic look is achieved. The polish lasts longer and is more resistant to stains of coffee, tea, or tobacco. The local Cosmetic Dentist in San Bernardino may recommend the latter, as porcelain veneers have a higher life and provide a more natural look. Visit the site to learn more.