Grief Counseling Services in Doylestown PA Help Bereaved Individuals Start to Move Forward

by | Mar 21, 2016 | Health

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Grief can be overwhelming and even destructive. When the feeling is combined with emotions such as guilt, rage toward someone who was responsible for the death, and other negative feelings, grief can lead to depression, despondency, and apathy. Grief Counseling Services in Doylestown PA are extremely helpful for someone who can barely begin to move forward and has not experienced any improvement in his or her emotional state over many months.

Grieving is natural as someone mourns the loss of a person he or she was attached to. The loss leaves an empty space in this individual’s life that previously was filled with love and other positive experiences. Grief shouldn’t be thought of as something to get over relatively quickly. Psychologists understand that it can take more than a year to begin feeling substantially better and that varying factors are connected with the length and depth of grief. A person who has lost an elderly parent to natural causes is much more likely to feel at peace and to recover more quickly than someone who loses a child to a horrible accident.

The person who suffers a terrible loss may feel that moving forward is impossible. During sessions with Grief Counseling Services in Doylestown PA, talking about the feelings and the reasons for being trapped in this emotional state provide insight. This allows the client to start having some good moments amid the general melancholy; those good moments will gradually increase in frequency. It may take many months before this person starts to acknowledge the possibility of emotional recovery. If the situation was especially difficult for any reason, seeking professional guidance to work through the trauma is particularly beneficial.

With the assistance of a counselor such as professional therapist Mary Shull, the bereaved person begins the process leading to acceptance of the loss. Eventually, remembering the deceased loved one will start to bring out emotions of gratitude for the time spent together and fulfilling memories of fun and happiness.