Heating Fuel Oil in Stroudsburg PA Is Still a Common Choice

by | May 24, 2017 | Business

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Fuel Oil in Stroudsburg PA is a common source of heat for residents of this region, which is unusual compared to most of the country. U.S. residents use many kinds of substances for heat, with natural gas being the most widely utilized and electricity ranking second. Liquid propane gas is a common alternative for rural residents who do not have access to the municipal natural gas utility. Some homeowners heat entirely or almost entirely with wood or pellets, typically using a furnace or electric baseboards as backup. About 6 million heat with fuel oil, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

In the northeastern part of the country, including Pennsylvania, oil accounts for about 1/4 of the heating fuel used, but the percentage is much lower in other regions. About half of the residents of this region heat with natural gas, but many of those homes originally had an oil furnace before they had access to natural gas. The owners made the switch when it was time to buy new heating equipment. Others chose to stick with oil, for various reasons. It costs more to change the system to another type of fuel. In addition, some individuals prefer the extra control they have when ordering heating fuel from a supplier of their choice instead of having to buy fuel from one utility company. Newer homes that have access to natural gas commonly are hooked up with the municipal utility when the house is constructed instead of installing an oil heating system. Electric baseboard heating is a more common choice for newer homes than oil is.

Of all the heating oil used throughout the country, a full 84 percent of it is consumed in the northeastern United States. This explains the continued strong demand for Fuel Oil in Stroudsburg PA. Pennsylvania ranks second in the country for the amount of fuel oil used by state, with only New York State ranking higher. People can set up a contract with a company such as W.S. Peeney for delivery service before the heating season begins. Contact us for information on pricing and to learn details about contracts.