One of the most popular types of materials used for kitchen countertops these days is granite. The interesting thing about granite countertops is that they are not all alike, regardless of what other people might say. However, because there are multiple kinds of these countertops, a person considering granite countertops should consider a few things beforehand.
Purchasing Thick Granite Countertops
The first thing to consider is thicker granite countertops in Seattle, WA. What most people will find is that a thickness of 3/4 of an inch is very common, but one thing that experts will recommend is going for granite that is at least 1 inch in thickness. Thinner granite looks fine, and it is certainly more affordable, but thinner granite, especially longer sheets of granite, could require laminate edges and structural supports. Overall, thinner granite will be much more delicate.
Seamless Granite
The other thing to consider is seamless granite. Once again, like thicker granite, the price is going to be higher. If it has recently been installed, granite with seams may not look all that bad. The downside to seams is that they can start looking bad over time. This problem can be fixed with seamless granite countertops.
Avoid Weakened Granite
Many people like the small hairline cracks and the minimal pitting in granite, as these feature tend to add character and deeper colors to the granite. However, while these features can be quite stunning, with thinner sheets of granite, they can be signs of weakness in the material. This can increase the likelihood of the granite becoming damaged. It’s best to speak with whoever a person is buying the granite from and inquire as to whether any cracks or pitting could compromise the granite countertop in Seattle, WA.
There are plenty of other things to think about when it comes to purchasing granite countertops, but it’s important to remember that when the purchasing is done right, you can end up purchasing the only countertops you’ll ever need. To learn more about what to look for when purchasing new granite countertops, you may want to consider checking out your options at Granite Top Inc.