Workers compensation laws were put into place so injured workers could be protected. Every company with employees is required to carry a certain level of workers compensation insurance. When claiming workers compensation, you are agreeing you will not sue your employer for your injuries. Though this compensation is allowed for every injured worker, the insurance companies often give people the run around. There are so many hoops you must jump through to get compensated, it can be confusing. This is one of the biggest reasons people end up hiring a lawyer to help them with work comp in Minneapolis. With the help of a lawyer, your rights can be fully protected.
What Happens When You File for Workers Compensation?
To file for workers compensation, you will need to first inform your boss or the person placed in charge of injury claims. This should start the process of your claim. Just after your injury, you will be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing. This testing is important, because it will show if these were factors in causing your accident on the job. If you fail the testing or refuse, you could be facing the loss of your job.
As a part of the claim process, you will also be required to be seen by a company approved doctor. Unfortunately, you have no choice in this matter. Even if you are seen by your own doctor, you will still be required to be seen by the company doctor. This can be stressful, especially if the doctor refuses to acknowledge the true extent of your injury. This often causes deserving people to be denied in their claim.
The good news is, even if you are denied your Work Comp in Minneapolis, your attorney can file a case in court. This allows medical evidence to be submitted, so you can receive the compensation you are deserving of. With the help of a lawyer, you can rest assured you have an advocate on your side, working to help you in every way possible.
If you are dealing with a worker’s compensation case and are not being given the benefits you are entitled to, you can hire the services of Malone & Atchison. They will take care of your legal issues and will work to make sure you receive compensation.